It doesn't surprise me one bit that Heathcote has been named by QBE as one of their Kangaroo hotspots in Victoria, and right now is peak kangaroo season!
According to their claims data, kangaroo claims increase by 32% in Autumn compared to Summer - the most of any season - and they account for 82% of all animal collision claims.
Things to keep in mind with kangaroo claims:
Repairs often cost $5,000 so even if you're the safest driver in the world it's often worth staying on Fully Comprehensive cover if you live in a kangaroo prone area - those buggers will jump out from anywhere!
If your car's Market Value is around $10k or less it's also worth considering Agreed Value as it becomes very easy to write off vehicles at this stage in your car's life
Put Wildlife Victoria's phone number in your phone and bookmark their online notification page:
Keep your insurance details handy so that you're not trying to remember who to call when you've just had an accident.
But if you're a client of ours you just call Kate on 0407 410 206 and she'll get you sorted!
We keep a list of useful contacts on the Vehicle Claim section of our website:
